How It Works

small full face

The Procedure

  • YOU decide how you want your makeup to look.
  • Your Permanent Cosmetics will be consulted and drawn before any pigment is placed into the skin.
  • Please advise us if you are using Retin-A, Renova or Accutane.
  • To ensure the highest level of comfort with little or no pain at all, a topical numbing agent is applied prior to and throughout the procedure.
  • All implements used in all procedures are new and sterile. Extreme care is taken for your sanitation and safety.
  • On average, brows and liners take about an hour and a half, whereas a full lip takes about 3 hours.
  • All used supplies are disposed after each procedure.
  • Carmella often performs 2 or more procedures on clients at once. This saves time — when you save her time, she saves you money. Package pricing is available to all clients wishing to get multiple procedures.

Your Consultation

There is always a required consultation prior to any application of pigment. During this time, together you will pick colors, discuss shapes and lines, and come to an agreement on what is to be expected for the final result. There are no surprises, only possibilities. With Carmella’s decades of skin care and cosmetics expertise, she often makes suggestions to clients they never even considered, opening up and enhancing facial features to their highest potential. Ultimately the client makes the decision, and the artists delivers.

Consultations may be scheduled by itself or immediately prior to the first procedure, depending on where you are in the decision process. To book a consultation, there will be a charge of $100 that goes toward your procedure.

What You Need To Know Before Having Permanent Cosmetics

When considering Permanent Cosmetics, keep in mind that two visits are crucial to achieving the desired results. These visits must be schedule four weeks apart for eyebrows and eyeliner procedures and six weeks for lips. Meticulous is an understatement when describing Carmella’s artistry. She is committed to perfection. The second session allows her to tweak the foundation and add additional color or shape. So if you’re planning to be finished for a special event, please plan ahead. You must heal in between sessions

Pre-Procedure Care

Please review our pre-procedure care DOCUMENTS in order for your permanent cosmetic process to go as smoothly as possible.

Clients are advised to refrain from alcohol consumption, products containing aspirin (including ibuprofen) and vasodilators for at least three days prior to their procedure to prevent excessive bruising or bleeding. This is extremely important in order to avoid increased sensitivity.

Clients who anticipate having a lip procedure and are prone to cold sores are advised to obtain a 10 day anti-viral prescription to prevent flare-ups. The first application of permanent cosmetics goes in somewhat like a “primer”, and usually need 2 procedures with 6 weeks of healing for optimal results.

For the long term, protection from the sun is recommended with sun screen or sunglasses as to maintain the integrity of the color and prevent premature fading.

Photo-facials, glycolic, chemical peels, Retin-A and other aggressive skin care will affect the longevity of permanent cosmetics, especially eyebrows. Use caution to avoid the tattooed area with these types of products to prevent fading.

Post-Procedure Care

Please review our post-procedure DOCUMENTS  in order for you to heal as soon as possible.



  • Two visits are crucial in achieving a natural brow enhancement.
  • Don’t wax brows prior to appointment.


  • Eyeliner is as individual and unique as those who wear it. Results vary with each visit.  Two visits are crucial. Depending on how thick, a third visit maybe nessesary.
  • Contact lens wearers must bring glasses for post procedure use.
  • Please discontinue use of Lattisse 2 week prior to eyeliner appointment.


  • At least two visits are crucial, allowing 6 weeks of healing between each for the final color result.
  • Clients who are prone to blisters (even once in your life) must pre-medicate up to 3 days prior and up to 7 days post procedure. The herpes virus will likely be activated by the lip enhancement procedure and it is highly advisable the pre-medication be used. Contact your physician for medication; Zovirax, Valtrex, Famvir.

Schedule a Consultation

What Happens in a Consultation?

01. Get to know the team at The Permanent Cosmetic & Lash Studio! 

02. Help us understand you and your goals. 

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

*There is a $100 consultation fee that gets applied towards your procedure.

“Carmella and her staff were informative offering solid advice with minimal sales pressure. They delivered an enhancement of my natural features. I LOVE my new look and so does my husband!”

- D.C.

How May We Help?

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Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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