Although the industry calls it permanent, the cosmetic pigment is made of all natural minerals and it does fade over time, especially with prolonged sun exposure. Certain products and medications, such as glycolic or Retin-A can also cause premature fading of the tattoos. It is best to avoid these types of products and treatments around your Permanent Cosmetics area, and wear SPF (even in the winter!) to protect your skin and your investment in yourself.

Color boosting your Permanent Cosmetics every one to seven years is the best way to keep your fresh, youthful color. Every person’s skin is unique, as will be your Permanent Cosmetics. Color boosts will be necessary on brows every one to two years. Eyeliner and Lip color are typically boosted after three to five years, for some, never!

The good news is you don’t have to keep up with the maintenance if you feel you no longer care for the enhanced look. It will not turn blue or black. It will simply fade over time, eventually leaving no trace.

Multiple visits are necessary for several reasons. One is due to the condition of the skin. Each skin type is different. Some skin types are thicker and healthier and more pigment will be retained in one session. Also, fine details, additional color depth, or design adjustments are easily made after the initial healing is complete. A follow-up visit is scheduled, if only to meet the healed outcome of the procedure, and agree that no further work is necessary. Heavy eyeliner will require 3-4 visits. Remember that once your eyeliner is to your liking, it will last for several years and most likely, your lifetime! Discuss any concerns you have with your artist. Be very clear on what to expect during the process of having Permanent Cosmetics. Once your unique look is achieved, it is true freedom!

Typically it takes two seatings to achieve a desired result. Seatings are scheduled a minimum of four weeks apart in order to allow time for healing.

For most people, the same day. Procedures normally produce little swelling or long lasting trauma to the surrounding skin. As a result, you may resume normal activities, as long as they do not have an adverse affect on the healing process. For example you wouldn’t want to introduce bacteria into the treated area, sweating while working out. Homecare is provided after each procedure and instructions are given. It is recommended that you not have social plans that day of and up to 3 days after having your Permanent Cosmetics procedure. Colors are more vivid and appear unnatural for a few days and will be darker than the final outcome.

In our studio we take serious precaution for your safety. All needles and implements used are for one time use and disposed of after each procedure. Topical numbing agents are used and very effective in making the procedures more tolerable and pain free.

Permanent Cosmetics pigment is made of all natural minerals (priceless for those allergic to traditional cosmetics), and can fade over time, especially with prolonged sun exposure. ALWAYS wear SPF (even in the winter!) to protect your skin and your investment in yourself.  Color boosting your Permanent Cosmetics every 1 to 7 years is the best way to keep your fresh, youthful color.  Every person’s skin is unique, as will be your permanent cosmetics.  Our artists always give 150% and prides themselves on their artwork, a feeling that is obvious when you are in her hands.  Yes, you can wake up with makeup. You can exercise, swim, sweat and play on with no smears or smudges.

When wounded, the skin goes through three phases of healing; inflammation, proliferation, and maturation. The length of time associated with an individual client’s wound healing after the initial procedure and the timing of the different stages of healing will vary according to factors such as the age of the client, skin tissue health, wound healing management methods, and the efficiency of the client’s immune system.

We mention this because each client must be evaluated for the timing of their touch-up appointment and we don’t want to be premature, which would result in tattooing over skin that is still in the process of healing.

After the initial procedure has healed and any additional needed work completed at the follow-up appointment, then it is a matter of time before an artist will receive a call for a re-touch due to the natural fading of color. Our policy is to only retouch if absolutely needed. We minimize the retouch work out of respect for the skin, knowing at some point the skin will not respond to tattooing as it once did. We suggest 1-3 years for eyebrows, 3-8 years for eyeliner and lips.

Schedule a Consultation

What Happens in a Consultation?

01. Get to know the team at The Permanent Cosmetic & Lash Studio! 

02. Help us understand you and your goals. 

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

*There is a $100 consultation fee that gets applied towards your procedure.

“Carmella and her staff were informative offering solid advice with minimal sales pressure. They delivered an enhancement of my natural features. I LOVE my new look and so does my husband!”

- D.C.

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