Going Home
- Procedure areas will appear very vivid in color for the first few days after the procedure. This will last for 2-5 days while the ink pigment naturally flakes off.
- Do not pick or peel at the dried pigment. It has to absorb into the dermal layer.
- Brows, eyeliner or lips will appear crusty after first week. Pigment will be much lighter, returning during the 4 weeks of healing.
- Ask our front desk staff to give you an ice bag following your procedure. Keep it in the refrigerator (NOT the freezer) and apply to the procedure site when you get home.
- It is advised not to make social plans for the same day and day following.
- You must heal for 4-6 weeks between visits.
Homecare Procedure
On the first 2 days…
- Don’t dust or vacuum.
- You may wish to relax with ice over your eyes or lips in the evening.
- If needed use an OTC pain reliever after the numbing agent has worn off.
- A gentle cleanser is recommended daily.
- Use provided cotton tipped applicators and T-RELIEF OINTMENT AM and PM till gone. (if provided)
- Lips will be very dry for 2 weeks post-procedure. Use Aquaphor and provided lip balm on lips and keep well hydrated. *Please do not use whitening toothpaste for 2 weeks post Lip Procedure*
- No pool swimming for one week post-procedure.
The first week…
- Brow, eyeliner, and lip pigment will be very vivid in color!
- Don’t be alarmed… you will lose at least 50% of color.
- You will then have concern that the color has now ALL come off.
- Don’t worry… the color enhancement will be subtle, youthful and natural looking after 4 weeks of healing.
After the first week
- Excess sloughing of healed skin and excess pigment is expected.
- Procedure will appear much lighter.
- SPF 15 or 30 is required daily and consistently (winter too!).
- Color boosts for lips are recommended 1-7 years.
- Remember… 4 WEEKS of healing is usual before full color can be judged on eyes. Lip procedures require 6 WEEKS of healing before color can be judged.